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After reading the play I was inspired by the story and the characters and wanted to go beyond the story, getting to know what made the characters tick. As the characters are divided into three groups – the Athenians, the Fairies and the Mechanicals – it helped me get to know each of the characters, first of all by getting to know the groups they are in and then working out what their position is within each group.

Firstly I decided that I was going to take the play from Athens and move it to London. Also instead of a play I am going to set it as a film.

The time period itself, I wanted to make it timeless so that you cannot accurately pinpoint the exact year but I took influence for my costume designs from the fashions from between 1880 to 1899. I also looked at modern designers and silhouettes, as I wanted to give my costumes the elaborate style of the Victorian era with a modern twist.

After exploring various themes I finally settled on nature. For each character I tried to base their shape and colours round a different aspect of nature.

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